Nora Pic

Nora Pic

Friday, April 29, 2016


I have made it an absolute point to never discuss politics.This has been proven to be one of the best decisions I have made in the past 14 years. When I see people fighting over candidates and opinions...the name-calling, the shaming, the completely uninformed ridiculous statements made-especially these days in the undeniable INK that is social media/the internet in general-I remain completely confident that this has been the right choice. If I ever tell you who I think you should vote for-aliens have taken over my body. It is not me. That will never be me.
That being said-I feel that every election (including and especially the presidential ones) that I have been able to cast a vote in, the candidates are more "who can I tolerate the most off of this sad list of names and sure-to-be-broken promises" than they are "who is capable and honest and trustworthy." These questions and concerns are more important to me as each day passes, watching my girls grow up in a beautiful country that has the potential to be so much more than it is at the moment. But it is still a wonderful place. We are all so truly blessed to be Americans. To be born into this life and this country. No matter who wins this increasingly sad "race to the top," we all have the ability to make a difference-in our own lives and in the lives of our neighbors.
Bored at the hospital during Round 3

I am constantly reminded of this. Everyday. Sure, there is undeniable and often unavoidable evil in this world. But there is also good. Truly kind, amazing people. I am fortunate to know (and love) many of these people. I cannot tell you how many times I have been moved to tears by the kindness of friends and strangers alike in the past 2 months.

It would be easy to become overwhelmed in our new normal. The constant medical calls, bills, appointments, prescriptions, questions, opinions...I could go on. Some days, it does get the best of me. I question why us? Why Nora? Why *effing* cancer? But usually, her bright smile and seemingly unfazed attitude give me the ability to see past the crappy circumstances and see the true blessings we have in our lives. And trust me, WE. ARE. BLESSED. Our life these days is definitely more about perspective than it is about the individual cards in our hand. I am realizing more and more to look for the good. Even on my worst days, there is good. On the occasional days when I can't see it for myself, there is almost always someone to remind me of it.  I am learning (slowly) to let the negative opinions go and hold on to the messages of hope and strength. I am stronger than I ever realized. I just wish it didn't take this for me to notice it.
In the atrium @ Children's Hospital after Round 3

Sure, I cry. More than I would like to admit. Usually when I am alone, but sometimes when I am in a crowded place. My faith is strong, but it waivers when we are in the hospital-alone and scared. My outlook is hopeful, but I still worry about the future. I continue to pray that by the end of May, I am updating this blog with wonderful news of healing and confirmation that all of these treatments were the right thing to do. I constantly pray for our old normal to be our normal again, where our biggest worry is what to make for supper.
But, in the meantime, we will be living our lives. This is our new normal and we're not taking any of it for granted. We will see you at birthday parties and weddings, play dates and church. Until we hear differently from Nora's doctors and oncologists, life will go on as planned. If you are noticeably ill or contagious, we might keep our distance a little (we have common sense), but please don't act like we are on death's door. We're not. Nora is nothing if she is not strong. We are the parents of two beautiful girls who can and will experience beautiful lives.  To quote my dad's favorite movie "Get busy living, or get busy dying." We will be living.

Let's just pray that our new leader loves this country as much as Heidi loves her little sister. Because if that is the case, we will be in good shape for the next 4 years.
...though she be but little, she is fierce.

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