Nora Pic

Nora Pic

Friday, April 1, 2016

Round 2...done.

Welp, she did it! 5 months old and you wouldn’t have a clue she has endured 7 bags of chemo in the past 4 weeks. She is truly a bad ass, my Nora Melita.

Getting fluids before chemo.
We checked into the clinic on Tuesday, March 22nd. It was busy. I hate that. Not because we had to wait, but because that means there are many others out there, just like Nora. I hate facing this fight: these dangerous drugs, my baby smelling like chemicals, the fear of the unknown, the anxiety of waiting for results.  9C is a wonderful place I wish I never knew about. It is a place of bravery, and of love and hope that I never want to see again. Oh, we'll be back. On April 12th-if all goes well- but I still fantasize about waking up on February 23rd and realizing this has all been one bad dream nightmare.

The morning after. Ready for the Easter Bunny!
Nora had her chemo treatments, and (like a BOSS), she maintained her smile and her appetite, proving to any lingering doubters that she is, in fact, the toughest 5 month old on planet earth. A few of her favorite nurses stopped in to see her and brought her an Easter basket (amazing) and snuggled her for a few minutes before moving on to another patient's "Last Chemo Treatment" party, complete with noise makers and confetti. Yes, I am already waiting with bated breath for Nora's party. And as soon as I know the date-I will be sure to announce it.

I think the thing that is hardest for me about this whole new life is the lingering question of WHY? Why her and not me? Why now? Why this? Just. Plain. Why? I know I am not supposed to ask why.  It doesn’t matter anyway. This is the hand we were dealt. This is the fight she is faced with, and asking a question like why is not going to change any of it. But I can’t help but ask. If there is a lesson I am supposed to learn from this, why does it have to involve Nora in such a brutally physical way? I’m not sure I’ll ever understand, and I hope one day I can come to terms with all we have been dealt and stop asking why. I pray that Nora’s resiliency persists and she continues to inspire masses of people, some of which she will never even meet.  I pray that peace finds its way back into our lives, and we can look back on this journey as a stepping stone in a great, full, healthy life for both of our beautiful girls.

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